
On-Line Purchasing


Order from vendors without the time consuming phone calls or faxes. Order on-line from Invacare Supply Group, Medline, Gulf South, McKesson, First Choice, Independence Medical and other wholesalers and manufacturers.

Networking Web Portal


Now your business partners can securely access and enter data via the web. Physicians can complete CMNs on-line. Referral sources can enter new patients. Sales Reps and clients can enter orders, virtually eliminating the need to enter data in the office.

Internet StoreFront


The Fastrack StoreFront offers providers a full solution to create a professional Internet presence to start generating additional revenue, accept insurance, credit and debit cards, Paypal and more. Orders and client information flow directly into the Fastrack System.

Available Standalone or
Integrated with Fastrack!



Fastrack Electronic CMS Audit Response System (esMD)




Document Management


Facilitates the creation of a separate ERN835 for each patient, placing a copy in the patient record. Batch scan documents including delivery tickets for automatic insertion into the patient record.




The Fastrack Electronic CMS Audit Response System helps providers respond to audits by streamlining the processes for the capture, storage and submission of medical documentation to CMS.  The new system for RAC, MAC and CERT audits will virtually eliminate the labor intensive paper processes in responding to the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).


The Fastrack Electronic Audit Response System integrates with the Fastrack Enterprise System and works best with Fastrack’s Document Storage Module.  Providers simply enter the audit number received from CMS and select the documents that they wish to electronically send to CMS in support of their response.  Documents can easily be gathered from the Document Storage Module, the file server or any user’s workstation and can include faxed, emailed or scanned documents.  Fastrack maintains a list of all the documents/attachments transmitted as well as the status received back from CMS which includes acknowledgement of receipt of the electronic file by Medicare.  All transmissions are secure and HIPAA Compliant and an unlimited number of pages can be submitted per audit.  The system requires minimal training to implement and use.


Several of the benefits of the electronic transmission of supporting documentation over the traditional photocopying and mailing method:

Increased productivity including less time to respond to an audit reducing employee costs.

Less time spent tracking status

Eliminates the cost of postage and fax

Eliminates lost attachments that delays the process

Record of every employee who viewed the attachments

Faster turnaround in processing by CMS


  • Increased productivity including less time to respond to an audit reducing employee costs.

  • Faster turnaround in processing by CMS



Fastrack Electronic CMS Audit Response System