On-Line Purchasing


Order from vendors without the time consuming phone calls or faxes. Order on-line from Invacare Supply Group, Medline, Gulf South, McKesson, First Choice, Independence Medical and other wholesalers and manufacturers.

Networking Web Portal


Now your business partners can securely access and enter data via the web. Physicians can complete CMNs on-line. Referral sources can enter new patients. Sales Reps and clients can enter orders, virtually eliminating the need to enter data in the office.

Internet StoreFront


The Fastrack StoreFront offers providers a full solution to create a professional Internet presence to start generating additional revenue, accept insurance, credit and debit cards, Paypal and more. Orders and client information flow directly into the Fastrack System.

Available Standalone or
Integrated with Fastrack!



Fastrack Scoreboard




Document Management


Facilitates the creation of a separate ERN835 for each patient, placing a copy in the patient record. Batch scan documents including delivery tickets for automatic insertion into the patient record.


Fastrack Scoreboard Lets Providers Know How They Are Doing In Real Time


The Scoreboard is designed to provide management and staff with a quick at a glance screen showing key business

indicators updated in real-time. Data can be displayed with a choice of a graphical representation, text or both.

The Scoreboard will be available to clients that either license the software to run on servers in their office or host

the application at Fastrack with access over the Internet.


“Fastrack Scoreboard highlights productivity by employee.”


Some of the measurements that can be displayed in graphical format such as a bar chart and/or in a spreadsheet include:



Order Productivity Analysis Charts:

·         Number of Orders  by CSR (Entered, Picked, Confirmed and Billed)

·         Total Orders by dollar amount by CSR (Entered, Picked, Confirmed and Billed)

·         Order/billing status by CSR (for last 3 months)

                               Average number of days elapsed from entered to delivered

                               Average number of days elapsed from time entered to billed

                               Average days number of days elapsed from delivery date to billed

                               Average days elapsed between billed and paid

Ø  Payments Received by Cash Specialist (MTD, QTD, YTD)

Ø  Total Revenue By Salesperson (MTD, QTD, YTD)


Infusion Pharmacy

Ø  Number of prescriptions by Pharmacist

By RX start date

By therapy

Ø  Number of Dispensing records by Pharmacist

By date mixed

By therapy                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Ø  Number of nursing orders

By therapy

               By discipline

               By employee


Additional indicators are being added including a number that are specific to home health care agencies.


Fastrack is the leading provider of software and technology for HME, Respiratory, Homecare Pharmacy and

Home Healthcare Agencies offering the only integrated system that addresses all three in one solution.